Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Spring Break: The Teaser

I feel bad saying I hate spring break, but let's be honest... it just makes 4th quarter seem even longer and more pointless. It teases you into thinking you're free, then BAM just kidding. YOU'RE STILL TRAPPED. Waking up the first Monday back is practically torture. Pure evil. It makes me want to cry. Sometimes I do.

And to make matters worse, your teachers inform you it's time to hit the ground running. They say things like "4th quarter will probably be the hardest" and "I know it's a lot of work, but you just have to do it." Is there possibly a better way to plan the year so as to avoid cramming everything into the last nine weeks? My thoughts for the entire first day back can pretty much be summed up by:

Then comes the homework, the lack of sleep, the destruction of any potential social life until all that's left of what used to be a fairly cheerful high school student is:

Someone save me.

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