No big deal right? It happens all the time... and I mean ALL THE TIME.
However, during said test I came to the realization that taking a test is a lot like being in jail.
*Note: I have never been in jail, and never plan on it. Sorry in advance if this is some what stereo-typed :)
1 . Solitary Confinement
By solitary confinement, I mean make-up tests. The teacher puts you back in the ante room guarded only with a pencil or two, a desk and the test. What the teachers don't realize is that after the door shuts that room becomes a torture chamber. Every click of a pencil, every shuffling of a paper is magnified to 1000000 decibels.
Not to mention the temperature in that room is about 15 degress warmer, so you pretty much:
For the entire class period. Its enough to make any one insane.
2. Wardens
In the event it's not a make up test, the verdict is even worse. Every person has one teacher in their schedule who walks around the room, hands held behind their back, just walking... and looking... and walking.
Sort of like:
As if taking an exam wasn't torture enough!
And don't get me started on sneezes and coughs. It's common courtesy that when someone sneezes everyone says "God bless you." (or if their feeling foreign, "Gesundheit.") However the teacher usually takes this as a sign of rebellion and:
Around the room for the next minute, blaming the anarchist who dared to sneeze! Sometimes its all I can do not to bang my metal cup on the bars and rattle my handcuffs in protest.
3. Sentencing
Judges give out probation and prison time, teachers give out test reviews.
a. Weekend Offender (Misdemeanor)
This is when the teacher gives out a review that is meant to be done in a weekend. Normally I can handle it, but sometimes I feel like that review is hanging over my head until Sunday, at which point I have to face the music, put on my orange jumpsuit and cowboy up to the kitchen table.
b. Life Sentence (Felony)
This refers to the infamous Final Exam Review Packet. It's so large and daunting you have to carry an extra backpack to school.
Now, I know jail is a terrible place...
however, there is one reason that jail is better that taking tests...
...Prisoners get recess
Now that my rebellion is finished, please excuse me while I finish my homework and study for all the rest of my tests :)
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